
White haze / discoloration of the epoxy

Is there a white dull haze on your epoxy cast resin artwork? Or does the surface look oily or milky? This is amine blush. Our experts will give you tips on how to prevent and remedy this.

Amine blush is an oily, greasy or dull white layer that can form on the surface of epoxy casting resin during curing. This is caused by the reaction of amines in the epoxy with carbon dioxide and moisture in the air.

Amine blush can happen to any user. Such a layer can ensure that any new layers of epoxy that you apply on top will not adhere properly. In addition, it obviously doesn't look nice. To prevent amine blush when working with epoxy, we give the following tips.

How do you prevent amine blush?

Make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand before you start applying the epoxy coating.

  • Optimize the working environment. Amine blush is therefore created by a reaction of the epoxy with the air. Therefore, work in a clean, dry and well-ventilated area. Keep the work area free of dust and other contaminants.
  • Ensure a stable temperature and humidity. Make sure that the room in which you work and where the epoxy cures remains at room temperature (19-21 degrees). So don't turn down the heating at night when you are curing epoxy . Avoid working with epoxy on humid days, as high humidity increases the risk of amine blush. The ideal humidity in your home is between 40-60%. Do not let epoxy harden in a room where you dry laundry, for example.

Do you see amine blush forming during curing?

During curing, do you see that a waxy, greasy or dull layer can form on the surface of your epoxy artwork? Do not panic! While the epoxy is curing, you can remove it with a heat gun or a good hair dryer. Carefully run the heat tool over the surface of the epoxy. This will cause the epoxy to warm up a bit, causing the amine blush to disappear. Make sure that the epoxy does not get too hot.

How do you remove Amine blush on cured epoxy?

If amine blush occurs on hardened epoxy such as an epoxy table or small piece of jewelry, you can actually remove it very easily. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. To clean. First allow the epoxy to harden completely according to the instructions on the label.
    Next, clean your epoxy artwork with a damp cloth or sponge with a little washing-up liquid to remove most of the amine blush. Acetone can also be effective at removing amine blush.

  2. Sand the Surface. Then lightly sand the affected area with fine sandpaper (e.g. 200-300 grit) to remove damaged areas.

  3. To clean. After sanding, you can clean the surface with a clean, damp cloth to remove sanding residue.

  4. Apply a new coat of epoxy . Once the surface is clean and dry, you can apply a new thin layer of epoxy. Let it harden for a while (use the tips in this article) and your epoxy artwork will be beautiful again. See photo below.

More information?

Do you have questions about making art, jewelry or casting/coating floors or other objects? Several people work at itsOkay epoxy experts each with their own expertise. We are happy to help you.

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